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  • الكاتب
    • #766
      Jessica Brown

      ThemeREX! Please please please PLEASE would you consider increasing the rating system from 5 stars to 10?

      At the moment 5 stars is too few and it causes too many reviews to overlap. For example two different products get rated 3 stars exactly but one could clearly still be better than another.

      Something similar to IMDB’s rating system would be ideal where you use increments e.g. 5.5 rating or 6.7 etc.

      Would you please please PLEASE consider this in your next update please? It makes the theme more universally attractive as 5 stars is too simple and doesn’t give those that read the product reviews a good enough idea of how the product compares to everything else out there. ?

    • #768
      Jessica Brown

      Thanks Themerex!!! I cannot wait for this to be implemented! I think the potential is bigger as there is NOT ONE SINGLE 10 point rating system that I can find for wordpress. I have looked extensively for various sites I have made that involve reviews (products, services, movies, books, hotels etc) So I think many people, especially me, would be grateful!!

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